VJS Construction Services (VJS) was recognized for having one of the nation’s top construction safety and health programs in 2022 by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC).
The AGC - Willis Towers Watson (WTW) Construction Safety Excellence Awards program recognizes companies that have developed and implemented premier safety and loss prevention programs and showcases companies that have achieved continuous improvements and maintenance of their safety and health management systems.
VJS was judged and selected as the first-place winner in the Building Division’s 200,000 to 400,000 Work Hour category. The award winners were announced at the awards program that took place during AGC’s annual convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“We are honored to receive this prestigious award from AGC in recognition of our team’s unwavering commitment to maintain and prioritize VJS’ safety-first approach daily. Our people are the lifeline of our safety.” said Craig Jorgensen, president, and CEO at VJS.
As part of this comprehensive selection process, applications are first reviewed by members of the national AGC Safety & Health Committee during the Construction Safety & Health Conference, held in January each year. Finalists in each divisional category then compete at the AGC National Convention where they must give an oral presentation in front of a panel of five independent safety and health professionals within the construction industry.
In addition to being recognized as the nation’s safest construction company, VJS is a two-time recipient of the Wisconsin Corporate Safety award presented by the Wisconsin Safety Council.